The story centers on the "Pole Dance Japan Cup" competition, where protagonist Hinano Hoshikita and her friends will compete as the Galaxy Princesses. They will compete with the competition's four-time champion team, Aile d'Ange.
"Pole Dance Japan Cup" การแข่งขันที่รวบรวมนักเต้นโพลแดนซ์ระดับประเทศมาไว้ด้วยกัน ฮินาโนะ โฮชิกิต...
폴댄스의 매력에 빠진 소녀, 히나노는 소꿉친구인 릴리아와 미오, 스바루와 함께 폴댄스의 세계에 뛰어든다. 그런 그녀들에게 '폴댄스 재팬 컵'이라는 목표가 생기게 되고, 전국에서...